Our Mission
Grow Amsterdam NY Inc., a charitable 501(c)(3) organization, was formed for the beautification and betterment of Amsterdam NY and its environs.
The mission of Grow Amsterdam NY is to conserve, create, and empower community managed greenspace through outreach programs and environmental education.

Our History
Grow Amsterdam NY was inspired by the creation of the community garden at 78 Wall Street. The community garden sparked a vision of seeing greenspaces throughout the city and beyond. We decided we were committed to creating green spaces within the city and realized we need to form a 501(c)(3) organization not-for-profit to do things right.
At first, coming up with a name was difficult. They were too long, cumbersome and limited. We wanted a name that was simple and limitless. Bernadette was inspired by GROWNYC an organization from her hometown in Brooklyn, NY. They sponsor community gardens through-out the 5 boroughs and environmental education programs to educate all city resident and so much more. They are doing great things in NYC.
Grow Amsterdam NY was incorporated during the Spring of 2016.
Working Together
Grow Amsterdam NY partners with the Amsterdam Free Library to provide workshops of interest to the Amsterdam community. We've had great turnout for workshops on composting, recycling, and alternative cleaning products.
Grow Amsterdam NY and Friends of the Amsterdam Free Library share table space at local events to promote each others program and work.
The Schoharie River Center Environmental Study Team worked with Grow Amsterdam NY on the Amsterdam Free Library waste audit. After a short training the Environmental Studies Team members with friends of the library "dug in" and sorted the library's trash. Grow Amsterdam NY led a tour to County Waste's Albany Single Stream Material Recovery Facility (SMRF) where everyone learned first hand about what happened to stuff you tossed in the recycling bin.

Grow Amsterdam NY relies on community involvement to keep the community garden running. We'd like to thank the following:
Lionel & Deborah Gibbs
Ferguson and Foss Professional Land Surveyors
Down by the River Kayak Rental

Board of Directors

Bernadette Twente
Bernadette's enthusiasm for the community is the spark for Grow Amsterdam NY. Where others see overgrown vacant lots, Bernadette sees vibrant community spaces where neighbors gather to grow food and build community. Her vision combines her passion for composting, gardening, and the environment.
Her other interests include finding new uses for old things, baking bread, and spending time with her grandchildren.

Jessica Magaldi
Jessica’s excitement for Grow Amsterdam NY comes from her enthusiasm to foster and participate in a community that is committed to sustainable living, community education, and respect for our planet and those who inhabit it. Jessica can’t keep even the sturdiest of houseplants alive but she has a passion for composting that began in 2002 when she started sharing her apartment with thousands of roommates, a bin of red wriggler worms that thrives to this day. Jessica brings her advocacy and teaching skills to the work of Grow Amsterdam NY from her day jobs as a lawyer and college professor.

Tricia Tauss
Tricia grew up on a family farm in Perth. She’s had a love of gardening since childhood from helping her parents put in and maintain large vegetable gardens. She left the farm in the ‘80s to attend college and had a 31-year career with GE. She is skilled in business process, program and project management. While at GE, her volunteer experience included GE Volunteers and the GE Women’s Network (Steering Committee, Women in IT, WomenConnect) and was champion for the GE weCgreen committee. She also was on the Board of Directors for Junior Achievement of Northeastern NY from 2010 -2015. She has been a volunteer for the Women’s Fund of the Capital Region since 2007 and was co-chair of the Steering committee from 2013 to March 2020.
She’s been interested in composting and began to collect kitchen waste in earnest last fall when she became aware of Grow’s Compost Works program. She’s excited to join the board of Grow Amsterdam NY, where she’s looking to contribute non-profit board experience, project management and planning, while learning more about and advocating for sustainable living.

Tom Twente
Vice President
Tom brings his extensive experience with community designed open space, gardening and organizational governance to the creation of Grow Amsterdam NY. Tom's interests include promoting local sustainable family farms, securing green space for urban communities and teaching people about gardening, compost, and the environment.
Annual Reports
coming soon